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Search for methods and properties in WMI with PowerShell

Filed under: PowerShell,Programming — Tags: , — Davor @ 10:14

Here is some simple recursive code to search for methods/properties in the WMI.

Much can be improved, but for now, it is a start.

## v0.1
## - first version
filter seek_properties {
	$_ | Get-Member | select-object name | property $_;
filter property ($obj) {			
			if ((++$global:i % 100000) -eq 0) { echo $i;}
			if ($obj.($_.name) -match 'YOUR SEARCH STRING') {
				echo "Object $($obj.__path) contains in property $($_.name): $($obj.$($_.name))";
				echo $obj;
				echo '-----------------------------------------------';
function start_search ($namespace) {
	Get-WmiObject -Namespace $namespace -list * | foreach {
		if ($_.__CLASS -eq "__NAMESPACE") {
			Get-WmiObject -Namespace $namespace $_.__CLASS | foreach { start_search "$($_.__NAMESPACE)\$($_.Name)"; } 		
		} else {
			echo "$namespace`: $($_.__CLASS)";
			Get-WmiObject -Namespace $namespace $_.__CLASS | seek_properties; 
$global:i = 0;
start_search "ROOT";

This script can take quite some time to finish…

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